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Originally delivered on 10/14/2024 3:30 pm

SUBJECT: West Sylvan Run, Walk & Roll Information!

The first annual ‘West Sylvan: Run, Walk & Roll’ is happening on October 24th!  

We are asking all of our families to participate in helping our scholars to reach their goal of raising $30,000 to fund the following for this academic year:

  • Free Pack Party for Each Grade

  • Free Yearbook for Every Student

  • Student Supplies

  • Classroom Support


Today, October 14th, each student will be given a physical sponsor sheet and donation collection envelope at school. Each student also has their own digital fundraising page where sponsors can donate online! (Need an extra sponsor sheet? Click Here.)

To access your student's digital fundraising page, follow these steps:

  1. Login or register on the Friends of West Sylvan webpage.

  2. Select the ‘My Account’ tab in the main navigation bar.

  3. Scroll down the ‘My Account’ page and you will see the 'Fundraising Campaign' section. Click on the 'West Sylvan Fun Run, Walk & Roll’ link for your student.

Once on your student's page, you can update it with a photo and personalized message. This can easily be emailed, texted or shared on social media with friends and family. 

Donations are due on or before October 24th. Cash and checks are accepted and can be returned to the school in the Run, Walk & Roll collection envelope to the front desk or to a teacher. Donations made on your student’s page will be combined with those submitted through the collection envelope and will go directly towards your student’s goal. Checks should be made out to 'Friends of West Sylvan'. 


Every student has multiple opportunities to win a prize, thanks to the generous donations from our community!

Grand Prizes:

  • One student from each grade, who has the most individual sponsors, of any monetary amount, will win a pair of customized Air Force 1's made with the one and only, Mr. Almeida. This is an incredible prize - go out there and tell all your friends and family about WSMS!

  • One student from each grade, who raises the most funds, will win a Nike Employee Store pass and $100 gift card. 

Additional Prizes:

  • Every student who gets at least one donation will be entered into a raffle for a special lunch delivery from Burgerville for themselves and two friends plus a $50 Burgerville gift card. 

  • All students who participate in the Run, Walk and Roll will receive a raffle ticket to enter for a prize of their choosing.  We have gift cards from local food businesses, a cool science kit, Oregon Ducks apparel, a Lululemon fitting and product, a women's Huffy bike, Sephora gift bags and many more fun prize packages to choose from! 

Thank you to the wonderful businesses who are supporting our event through prize donations! Special thanks to the families who have also contributed! 

Thank You to Our Prize Donors
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